Current Connection: Wide Awakeness

Current Connection: Wide Awakeness

The article I used to synthesize the article, “Wide-Awakeness and the Moral Life, is an article called, “Measuring Student Attention in the Second Language Classroom.” I took a different approach to looking at this article. Instead of looking at the attention of a student learning a second language, I approached the article by imagining that the student is learning their first language, but the teacher is approaching to learn their second language. I looked at the article this way, because I feel it is important for us, as future educators, need to understand the importance of how to teach in the classroom. This is how I pictured the scenario of a teacher learning their second language, and the student learning their first. For example, as teachers, we will know and thoroughly understand the topics we will be teaching our students. Our students have never seen the content we are readily prepared to teach to them. This is the aspect of first language. While students are seeing and hearing this content for the first time, they see it in a much different way than we do, as educators. I find it important to speak to our students in a way that reassures them that it is okay to ask questions and be confused- that this is all part of the learning process. I find it essential for educators to show their patience through their teaching, to show their students that we are there, as educators, to help them every step of the way. We are here to guide them and prepare them for their futures. It is a common misconception from students that teachers are there to set them up for failure. It is my goal to help students change their thoughts on school. One day, as an educator, I hope to be so excelled in my teaching that I am able to talk to students and teach them in an environment where they are excited to learn and feel confident to ask questions or raise their hand. This second language of teaching does come with time, but will change each year with each student. I understand that each child is different, has unique traits and special talents/ qualities. Teachers need to recognize this as an ongoing process, each and every year. The article discusses how to keep students awake and aware during class. There are some factors involving a students awakeness that is in their control and others that are out of their control. For example, a student’s fatigue is a factor that is unable to be controlled by a teacher. Other factors like teacher talk is within the power of the educator. Teacher talk is the voice of the educator within the classroom. Teacher talk is important, because it involves changes in the monotone of the teacher’s voice, gestures and facial expressions. A student is more apt to be awake and aware in a class with a teacher who shows excitement in their body language and voice, rather than a teacher who still seems to be asleep and showing no enthusiasm towards learning. I believe the teacher plays a large role in the classroom when it comes to the engagement of their students.

Hlas, Anne Cummings, et al. “Measuring Student Attention in the Second Language Classroom – Anne Cummings Hlas, Krista Neyers, Sarah Molitor, 2019.” SAGE Journals, 16 June 2017,

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